Archive for May 28, 2010

Inside Out

Keep Your Head Down. Don’t Get Noticed. Or Else. 
I’m Trella. I’m a scrub. One of thousands who work in the lower levels, keeping Inside clean for the Uppers. I do my job and try to avoid the Pop Cops. The Trava family who rules our world from their spacious Upper levels wants us to be docile and obedient, like sheep. To insure we behave, they send the Pop Cops to police us. 
So what if I occasionally use the pipes to sneak around the Upper levels? Not like it’s all that dangerous–the only neck at risk is my own. 
Until a lower level prophet claims a Gateway to Outside exists. And guess who he wants to steal into the Upper levels to get the proof? You’re right. Me. I alone know every single duct, pipe, corridor, shortcut, hole and ladder of Inside. It’s suicide plain and simple. But guess who can’t let a challenge like that go unanswered? Right again. Me. 
I should have just said no…

Invencible (2)

Just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse… 
Nick Gautier’s day just keeps getting better and better. Yeah, he survived the zombie attacks, only to wake up and find himself enslaved to a world of shapeshifters and demons out to claim his soul. 
His new principal thinks he’s even more of a hoodlum than the last one, his coach is trying to recruit him to things he can’t even mention and the girl he’s not seeing, but is, has secrets that terrify him. 
But more than that, he’s being groomed by the darkest of powers and if he doesn’t learn how to raise the dead by the end of the week, he will become one of them…
In US on February 1, 2011

Haunted (2)

El libro Haunted de Jon Preble es la secuela de Dreaming Anastasia, en el cual una chica está siendo perseguida por una misteriosa y malévola sirena.
En EEUU el Invierno del 2011
Joy Preble’s Haunted, the sequel to Dreaming Anastasia, in which a girl is being haunted by a mysterious and malevolent mermaid.
In US on Winter, 2011

Dreaming Anastasia (1)

What really happened to Anastasia Romanov?

Anastasia Romanov thought she would never feel more alone than when the gunfire started and her family began to fall around her. Surely the bullets would come for her next. But they didn’t. Instead, two gnarled old hands reached for her. When she wakes up she discovers that she is in the ancient hut of the witch Baba Yaga, and that some things are worse than being dead.
In modern-day Chicago, Anne doesn’t know much about Russian history. She is more concerned about getting into a good college—until the dreams start. She is somewhere else. She is someone else. And she is sharing a small room with a very old woman. The vivid dreams startle her, but not until a handsome stranger offers to explain them does she realize her life is going to change forever. She is the only one who can save Anastasia. But, Anastasia is having her own dreams…

The Reckoning (3) [Final]

Only two weeks ago, life was all too predictable. But that was before I saw my first ghost. Now, along with my supernatural friends Tori, Derek, and Simon, I’m on the run from the Edison Group, which genetically altered us as part of their sinister experiment. We’re hiding in a safe house that might not be as safe as it seems. We’ll be gone soon anyway, back to rescue those we’d left behind and to take out the Edison Group . . . or so we hope.

Peligroso / Dangerous (2.1)

Un relato corto sobre Derek.
A short story about Derek.

El Despertar / The Awakening (2)

Si tú me hubieras conocido hace unas pocas semanas, tu probablemente me hubieras descrito como una adolecente promedio – alguien normal. Ahora mi vida ha cambiado para siempre y yo estoy tan lejos de lo normal como se puede estar. Un experimento científico vivo – no solamente puedo ver fantasmas, pero fui alterada genéticamente por un grupo de personas quienes se hacen llamar El Grupo Edison. ¿Qué significa eso? Para empezar, soy una adolecente nigromante cuyos poderes están fuera de control: yo levante los muertos sin siquiera tratar. Confía en mi, ese no es un poder que tu quieras tener. Nunca. Yo estoy corriendo por mi vida con tres de mis amigos supernaturales – un encantador mago, un hombrelobo cínico, y una bruja malhumorada – y nosotros tenemos alguien quien nos pueda ayudar a ganar de vuelta nuestra libertad antes de que El Grupo Edison nos encuentre primero. O morir intentándolo.

Descargar Aquí

If you had met me a few weeks ago, you probably would have described me as an average teenage girl—someone normal. Now my life has changed forever and I’m as far away from normal as it gets. I’m a living science experiment—not only can I see ghosts, but I can raise the dead without even trying. Trust me, that is not a power you want to have. Ever. I’m running for my life with three of my supernatural friends and we have to find someone who can help us gain our freedom back before the Edison Group finds us first. Or die trying.

Invocación / The Summoning (1)

Chloe Saunders ve muertos. Sí, como en las películas. El problema es que, en la vida real, cuando ves fantasmas en el colegio y te peleas con ellos, te mandan a un psiquiátrico. Deciden internarla en la Residencia Lyle para adolescentes “problemáticos”. Pero ese lugar no es lo que parece y sus compañeros tampoco: algo siniestro y muy oscuro tienen en común Chloe y el violento Derek, siempre callado y huraño; su amabilísimo hermano Simon; la manipuladora Tori; Rae y su extraña afición por el fuego…
La Residencia Lyle oculta un escabroso secreto, y Chloe va a darse de bruces con él.
»Iban a enviarme a una residencia para chavales majaras. Creían que estaba loca. No lo estaba. Ya había cumplido quince años y tuve mi primera menstruación; eso tenía que contar para algo. No podía ser casual que ese mismo día comenzase a ver cosas. Todas esas hormonas acumuladas habían estallado y mi cerebro quebró, arrancando imágenes de películas olvidadas, engañándome y haciéndome creer que eran reales.
Si estuviese loca haría algo más aparte de ver y oír a gente que en realidad no se encontraba allí. Actuaría como una chiflada, y no lo hacía»
Chloe Saunders sees dead people. Yes, like in the films. The problem is, in real life saying you see ghosts gets you a one-way ticket to the psych ward. And at 15, all Chloe wants to do is fit in at school and maybe get a boy to notice her. But when a particularly violent ghost haunts her, she gets noticed for all the wrong reasons. Her seemingly crazed behaviour earns her a trip to Lyle House, a centre for ‘disturbed teens’. At first Chloe is determined to keep her head down. But then her room mate disappears after confessing she has a poltergeist, and some of the other patients also seem to be manifesting paranormal behaviour. Could that be a coincidence? Or is Lyle House not quite what it seems…? Chloe realizes that if she doesn’t uncover the truth, she could be destined for a lifetime in a psychiatric hospital. Or could her fate be even worse…? Can she trust her fellow students, and does she dare reveal her dark secret?